Effective Process Technology
Practical Solutions from Industry Experience
What makes
We have created tens of millions of dollars of new revenue for our clients by taking an outside view of current operations and finding hidden savings with input cost reductions or low-cost ways to increase capacity by debottlenecking current equipment.
We Listen
We do not sell a particular brand of equipment. We find the best solution based on your needs.
We Are Pragmatic
Our team designs and operates process equipment. Our experience in the field allows us to be scrappy and agile with our solutions.
We develop a whole solution, not individual components. We bridge the gaps between equipment to create a complete, efficient production system.
We Are Experienced
Each member of our team has over 20 years of experience building, staffing, and operating complex processing facilities.
Technical Feasibility
Show a bankable case for your business model
New or existing, pilot to large commercial scale
Specify equipment, utility systems, buildings, and operation teams
Process Optimization
Cut Costs / Increase Revenue while minimizing investment
Equipment Sourcing
Find, repair, and recommission equipment, saving time and and money
Facility Upgrades
Automation systems, capacity expansion, waste stream remediation
Why Custom Built?
Applying a one size fits all approach to complicated processing equipment inevitably yields a system that costs too much to run or build.
We develop lean solutions that are custom designed with your budget, schedule and business needs in mind.

We start with real world process flow and equipment designs then optimize them to meet your specific needs.